
As the world mourns The First Family officially leaving the White House, it might be hard to have any positive thoughts, but this good news about the lovely Malia Obama just might help. Already on her way to Harvard, smart and beautiful Malia Obama has earned herself an internship that is the stuff of Hollywood […]

News & Gossip

Where they do that at? So is this supposed to be ok or is this a slap in the face? Is it an issue or is it nothing to fret over? I have my opinion about it; however, here is what our good friends at The Young, Black, and Fabulous had to report: When Prince William marries […]


Wednesday in St. Paul, Minn. a man plead guilty for threatening to kill not only President Barack Obama, but his family as well according to the Associated Press. It was reported that 35- year-old Chane Phillip Christenson has plead guilty to one count of making a threat to kill the president. Christenson admitted that he sent […]