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Source: BET / BET

Whew, let us play catch up shall we?

Since Boomerang On BET became a smash hit for the network, fans and others have been looking for the playlist to certain episodes to add to their playlists and then some. Fortunately, we’ve been helping you keep up on the low with the weekly playlists. If you have Apple Music or Tidal, we got you:

Apple Music: Subscribe To The #BoomerangOnBET Playlist On Apple Music

Tidal: Subscribe To The #BoomerangOnBET Playlist On Tidal

Let’s start back from Episode 3 til last night’s Episode 6. Also, we even got an answer from show creator Lena Waithe on why THAT song from the end of “Homecoming” isn’t available anywhere.

But in the past four episodes, we’ve seen Bryson attempt to score a film with the help of Simone, learn the ecosystem that is the club let out, watch Simone have to bail out a good friend who ironically enough is her uncle Tyler’s daughter and see David go through the absolute wringer before a lady wound up making an appearance at Sunday Service to see him. Oh, and we finally got a flashback episode where we see the crew go through everything you go through in undergrad: breakups, finding your initial hustles and in Ari’s case? Discovering yourself.

Alright, I think we covered the episode aspect of it. As far as the music side, let’s begin with “Power”.

Pass The Aux: All The Music From ‘Boomerang On BET’ You May Have Missed  was originally published on

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