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Are you getting enough rest? Have you noticed that your sleep patterns have changed since the beginning of the pandemic? If so, you’re not alone. A new survey said that millions of Americans feel the stress from the pandemic is negatively effecting their sleep.

Couple sleeping

Source: Jupiterimages / Jupiterimages

According to YahooNews, here are the ‘Top 10 Ways People are Trying to Sleep Well During the Pandemic’:

1. Eating healthier . . .

2. exercising . . .

3. reading books before bed . . .

4. listening to music before bed . . .

5. taking a warm bath or shower before bed . . .

6. meditating . . .

7. having sex before bed . . .

8. taking an over-the-counter sleep aid . . .

9. and getting better pillows.

10. And the biggest way they’re trying to sleep better is . . . not checking the news at night because it’s just so incredibly stressful.

For more details, click here.


The Pandemic is Effecting the Sleep Pattern of Millions of People  was originally published on mycolumbusmagic.com

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