
One young girl believes she can calm tensions in Ferguson through the power of music, and she’s willing to test out that theory. Protests, marches…


At any moment now, we can expect the verdict to come down in the case of Michael Brown. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has put the state in ‘State of Emergency’ mode citing that there is the possibility of “unrest”. The Grand Jury is trying to decide whether or not to indict officer, Darren Wilson, who […]

News & Gossip

The Ferguson Police Department has already determined its next steps as the world waits for a verdict from the grand jury in Darren Wilson’s case.…


The Ferguson Police Department has already determined its next steps as the world waits for a verdict from the grand jury in Darren Wilson’s case.…

Internet activist group Anonymous sparked the worldwide (481 cities) “Million Mask March” event and on November 5th, several protestors gathered around the world. Anonymous is a…


The Department of Justice does not believe that it has a strong enough case to bring federal civil rights charges against Darren Wilson. No official…

As we all intensely await the Ferguson shooting grand jury’s decision on whether or not Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson will be criminally charged for…


Authorities in Ferguson, Missouri, are bracing themselves for whatever is going to happen after a grand jury announces its decision in Darren Wilson’s case. The…


Michael Brown’s autopsy has been released and it could bolster the defense for officer Darren Wilson. According to the document, Michael sustained a gunshot to…


A New Hampshire town’s Pumpkin Festival ended in violence as a riot broke out when people got more rowdy than usual. Authorities had to use…


Officer Darren Wilson is now recalling that he had a major struggle with Michael Brown in an SUV before he shot the unarmed teen to…


Pastor Jamal Bryant of Baltimore was one dozens arrested in Ferguson on Monday for protesting police brutality and misconduct. He was charged with assaulting police and disturbing the peace and released the same day. Bryant joined the host of clergymen and women protesting in Ferguson and participated in a march from a local church to […]