

However, the former Essence editor and Black Carrie Bradshaw wants everyone to know that her ex did not beat her.


In the latest edition of “occurrences you can’t believe exist in 2017” is the case of a white New York man who broke into his black neighbor’s home…and threatened to lynch him. Yes, lynching, that deadly and horrific practice that many thought was a thing of the past, just resurfaced as a threat in 2017. […]


Pat Houston gave fans some insight into Whitney Houston‘s final days, including a conversation they had a few days before her untimely death. Pat visited TV One’s Sister Circle where she revealed managing Whitney’s personal life was difficult, but she was there to bring peace. “We came to the conclusion that I was there to […]


“Just woke up to Andrew LLoyd Webber tweeting about me. It’s a good day,” the singer told his social media followers.


2017 has claimed another celebrity couple. Singer Keri Hilson and her baller boo Ricardo Lockette have seemingly called it quits. Keri posted a cryptic message on social media that left fans questing if Lockette cheated. The couple exchanged a few shady tweets on Twitter. Oop. Looks like Keri chucked up the […]


  It has been a while since we’ve heard from T Wayne & Stuey Rock, the last time I think we saw these two together was on the single ‘Turn Down For What’ which was an all-around smash single. Well, now they are back in the kitchen whipping up the medicine with this new single […]


Texas police believe that Freida Bosh and her roommate forced the victim to help deal drugs and used his disability check to pay the rent.


Eight years after breaking up, a source says the exes are "100 percent back together and in love."