Elev8 Health

Are you not seeing the results that you feel like you’re working so hard for? Sometimes we think we know how to maximize our workouts…

  My number one FitGirl motto is, “The body follows the mind.” The biggest thing standing in between you and the weight loss results that you want to achieve may be your thoughts, so I sat down with  Amari Medical Chief Medical Director, Dr. J. Shah to get tips on how to mentally boss your body around once and for […]

Cincy, National

Via:Bossip.com Dropping a couple of pounds is normally at the top of the “New Year’s Resolution” list. We all know exercising is not enough and most of the time diets don’t really work. Dr. Oz from the Oprah show has decided to put together a list of the Top 5 things that encourage weight loss […]


Top Reasons Those ‘Get Fit’ Resolutions Don’t Stick VIA: Fox19.com Another New Year’s Day looms, and millions of Americans will resolve that this year, they’ll exercise and get fit, so why by the end of January are so many of those resolutions broken? New research may shed some light on the problem. It’s not that […]