I’m not gonna lie, man; I’m a sucker for girls from the south. It’s something about a southern girl that gets me open. I don’t…


Yung Joc's babymamas gang up on K.D., Mimi's reputation is threatened further, and more.


Nikko claims to have more dirt on Mimi, Joseline and Stevie J have a falling out, and more.


Stevie J and Joseline never fail to amaze us. Like. Never. Our favorite reality TV couple/entertainers/trouble makers released visuals for their duet, “Stingy with my…


You can always count on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta for a good love triangle and that was the crux of this week’s episode. Here…


We’re only three episodes deep in season four of Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta, and the drama is already at As the World Turns Status. Erica’s…


Just when we thought today would be another dreadful Wednesday, VH1 dropped the highly-anticipated super trailer for season 4 of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.…


Get More: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Just when we were feeling like this Tuesday was dragging along, VH1 released a new clip from the…

I’m starting to think Joseline Hernandez from ‘Love & Hip Hop ATL’ is really on some strong drugs, or at least was during the taping of the popular reality show’s reunion. We all remember the big brawl which landed Hernandez and Steebie J being kicked off the set and unfortunately, Benzino and Althea (who is […]