
The video of Terence Crutcher‘s death at the hands of Tulsa, Oklahoma police officers has shocked and outraged countless of people across America. Most recently, Colin Kaepernick‘s decision to protest the National Anthem during NFL has seemingly inspired athletes and other celebrities to use their voices and large followings to speak up against the horrifying epidemic of police […]


“I have no further comment. I’m not denying it,” he told BuzzFeed News.   Retired Republican four-star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell has little to no respect for his party’s presidential nominee Donald Trump, according to newly released emails hacked from his private account. In comments about Trump in a June 17, 2016, email to […]


Retired Republican four-star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell has little to no respect for his party’s presidential nominee Donald Trump, according to newly released emails hacked from his private account. In comments about Trump in a June 17, 2016, email to Emily Miller, a journalist who once worked under Powell as a deputy press secretary […]


Former "Black Men For Bernie" founder is campaigning for Trump. He has no concerns about Trump's flirtation with racism.


President Obama and The First Lady gracefully cover the October issue of Essence Magazine for a farewell issue, set to hit newsstands on September 9.


Trump says Clinton would ” abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” which the former Secretary of State has denied ever saying.  Wilmington, North Carolina (CNN) Donald Trump said Tuesday that if Hillary Clinton gets to pick Supreme Court justices, there’s “nothing you can do, folks … although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.” Trump’s […]

See Hillary Clinton’s evolution from skirt-suits as First Lady to pantsuits as Senator, Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential Candidate.


While Hillary Clinton prepares to accept a historic nomination as the first women presidential candidate of a major party – a move that will shatter the proverbial glass ceiling – the diversity of the women at the helm of the Democratic National Convention cannot be ignored. Women of color have not only graced the stage in primetime speaking […]


The rapper has been a supporter of Clinton for a while. In December, he said, “I think I’m gonna rock with Hillary.”