News & Gossip

We have a movie update for you! Some of you had the Scooby Doo face when we told you that Kim Kardashian would be starring in Tyler Perry‘s “The Marriage Counselor”. Now, there are additions to the cast. The cast of Tyler Perry’s latest film, The Marriage Counselor, is rounding out, as Lance Gross, and […]


Via: Golden Globe nominee Idris Elba has teamed up with an LA-based production company named Brown Paper Dolls to create a new web series entitled, Milk + Honey, starring Lance Gross, Faune Chambers and Bryce Wilson. The web show will also feature actresses Debbie Allen and Asha Kamali. Milk + Honey is the story […]


When you’re engaged to a Top-Model and you have a successful young acting career, its fun to rub it in at your 10 year high school reunion…especially to the girls that dissed you.    Actor LANCE GROSS can’t wait to attend his 10-year high school reunion in Las Vegas – because it will give him […]