
Caitlyn Jenner's mom dealt with a traumatic situation, as she broke both of her hips, which the reality star revealed on her profile.


Beyonce has been fielding off pregnancy rumors at least once a month over the course of the last year or so, but the latest round…


Paris Jackson has been through a lot, but the daughter of Michael Jackson is all grown up, and more beautiful than ever.


Who the hell thinks of this sh*t? The internet is a magical world of hate and love, comedy and tragedy, and good and evil. Luckily,…


If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if any of the group members from Next were to run into the internet star responsible for the…


After much hoopla, fake hype, trolling and even an unofficial countdown that proved to be a hoax in the end, Drake and Future’s mixtape is…


Jay Z hopped into the Instagram game for a minute to say something really important before deciding it just wasn’t for him. We were a little surprised to find out that Jay Z is about the social media life. Hov has always seemed to be a pretty private guy, letting his music give fans an […]

News & Gossip

Nicki Minaj has fired back at Internet trolls who have come for her on social media. Over the weekend, she posted not so flattering pictures of…


Summer is coming to a close and much like the rest of us, celebrity families are taking in the last days of the season by…


Stevie Wonder is one of the most legendary musicians of our time who has been creating audio gold for over 5 decades, but that doesn’t…