

Florida Republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer ignorantly tweeted, "They let Magic Johnson play basketball with FULL-BLOWN HIV but won’t let Kyrie Irving play because he won’t get a COVID shot." Yes, really.


Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson recently found himself under fire for catching the bigot holy ghost while speaking at churches to denounce educators for teaching students about the LGBTQ "filth" community.


The city of Detroit is moving forward with plans to reopen Michigan’s only historically black college. The PENSOLE Lewis College of Business is preparing to open in March 2022.

Not waiting for the Biden administration to defend the case or find another remedy, the group filed a motion to intervene. According to a statement released Tuesday afternoon, the group sees Section 1005 of the American Rescue Plan as a viable step toward addressing “ decades of well-documented discrimination at the hands of the USDA.”

In this case, Cameron seeks to revive litigation pertaining to a law banning a procedure commonly performed in abortions occurring after 14-weeks. Passed in 2018, the law was previously declared unconstitutional in large part because it is effectively an impermissible pre-viability ban.


Jelani Day's family suspects "foul play" and has ordered a third autopsy amid reports that the missing grad student's body was found missing vital organs along with his jaw "sawed out."


United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned lawmakers that the federal government will likely run out of money by October 18 unless Congress raises the debt ceiling. We found 7 ways the country can make some money before it's all gone.


Since Gruden's resignation, Colin Kaepernick has been trending on social media. Many folks are inferring that Gruden’s resignation proves that the former quarterback for the San Fransico 49ers who lost his job after kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality was right about the NFL all along.


If you were expecting cake, ice-cream and musical chairs.. you came to the wrong party.


The right-wing outrage over a NASA video with Kamala Harris and paid young actors draws attention to Trump's use of paid actors to pretend to be his supporters when he announced he was running for president. And he didn't even pay them on time.

Paradise Square will run Pre-Broadway in Chicago, November 2 – December 5, 2021. Broadway previews will begin February 22, 2022, and tickets will be on sale through November 27, 2022, at the Barrymore Theatre in New York City.


The news comes just a week after the registration deadline to participate in the 2021 municipal elections. Atlanta and several other areas around the state have municipal elections, with early voting beginning this week.