Go Head! Mr.President Obama! lol He IS too hott! watch below as our President raps Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson (ft. Bruno Mars)  Love it! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER/INSTAGRAM @Wiznationcincy and FACEBOOK: @101.1 Wiz Nation FOLLOW ME, KristenK, TWITTER/INSTAGRAM @kristenk_1 CATCH ME LIVE ON AIR! SATURDAYS 10AM-2PM and SUNDAYS 2PM-6PM  


A drone device was found in a tree on White House grounds earlier this morning at 3 a.m. The discovery was confirmed by Josh Earnest, the…

“I have no more campaigns to run…” *Someone claps on the left* “I  know because I won both of them.” – President Barack Obama declared…

News & Gossip

People like Republican politician Mike Huckabee remind me of the personal pitfalls one endures when they lead a life in which they think sex works best in…


December 17th will be marked as a historic day for a once damaged relationship in politics as President Obama has laid out some hopeful plans to restore…

President Obama is on some type of media tour where he’s addressing the killing for Michael Brown and Eric Garner and what they mean for…

Let the world say “duh.” We’re having a hard time not blank staring at the screen. The President just appeared on television to admit that…

Retired neurosurgeon, conservative pundit and potential 2016 presidential candidate (says who?) Dr. Ben Carson said recently in an interview with American Family Radio that he…