

From calling out Collin Kaepernick to sparring with Ava Nikole Hannah-Jones over race-based curriculum, here are some of the conservative pundits most controversial tweets,


The 67-year-old politician was named as a potential vice-presidential running mate to President Biden during the 2020 elections. Now Bass' name is being mentioned as a part of the field competing for a chance to replace the city's current mayor, Eric Garcetti, who is term-limited. 


"Senator Scott knows that is a talking point that is used," Bass told Capehart. "And the sad thing about the state of our politics in the country right now is one does not have to tell the truth, one can just make a statement true or false."


Polls in recent months have shown Americans, including those identifying as Republicans, support allowing the federal government to negotiate lower drug prices.  

The second incident came just a day after filing a lawsuit against LAPD for its disproportionate response to an initial "swatting" incident last August.  


The House committee has issued its first batch of subpoenas for four of ex-President Donald Trump's close advisers and associates, some of whom were in contact with him the day of the Jan. 6, Capitol riot he helped instigate with his months-long "stop the steal" propaganda campaign. 


Despite a seemingly neverending string of tragedies that have left its people desperate for help, data shows that the U.S. grants asylum to Haitians at the lowest rate among people from any other nationality who are similarly seeking refuge.


Rhode Island State Rep. Anastasia P. Williams is under fire for saying the state's own homeless and poor populations should be prioritized before the state starts housing Afghan refugee "strangers."


Right-wing talk show host Wayne Dupree, who has repeatedly downplayed the COVID-19 vaccine, recently admitted he has been "battling COVID-like" symptoms over the course of several days.


After actor and comedian Anthony "A.J." Johnson's widow gave an emotional plea for financial help following her husband's death, donations have poured into the GoFundMe account she initially suggested wasn't getting enough support.


Despite still-fresh images of white men on horseback rounding up Haitian migrants in Texas, the Biden administration is on the hunt for a new contract to operate a migrant detention facility at the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.


In honor of Woods turning 24 today, let's take a look back at some of her most head-turning fashion moments.