Wiznation Header Logo July 2018

About 101.1 The WIZ

All you have to say is Idris Elba and I’ll come running.  Like most fans, from the moment I saw his 6’2 frame in HBO’s…

There are a few factors involved in having a successful television show. You need a great script, excellent actors but more importantly, you need a…

9 O'Clock News

If you were planning to eat a Hot Pocket today, you might want to reconsider that decision. Several varieties have been recalled after it came…

9 O'Clock News

Don Samuelson, 65, entered a no contest plea to a felony count and was sentenced last month to three years probation and ordered to pay a $672 fine.…

New Music

This Friday at Pearsontown Elementary Chase Dawson will be DJing and hosting their Winter Dance. This will be located at the Pearsontown Gymnasium from 3:45-5:45pm…

This year has been great for R&B music, especially coming from the male artists. In 2013, John Legend dropped an album that was a return…

9 O'Clock News

According to MediaTakeOut.com Shantel Jackson BROKE UP with Floyd Mayweather a few months ago. Her reasoning is that she does not want to be in a…

9 O'Clock News

Jay Z and Beyonce may still be hip hop’s POWER COUPLE – with a combined net worth of more than $500M. But the new POWER…

Mass Mutual and NewsOne join together to present 28 dynamic people that make up the diverse tapestry of Black History. For the entire month of…