The Morning Hustle Assets

About The Morning Hustle

THE MORNING HUSTLE is the freshest program in broadcast with an entertaining, humorous and informative take on urban pop culture from the Millennial and Generation Z point of view, meant to wake up its audience to the beat of today’s Hip Hop. The show offers listeners the unique chemistry of the hosts providing a rare authenticity and transparency that connects with the lifestyle of the audience.

For all the coffee lovers out there, you can now help support a Black-owned biz when you drink your favorite morning beverage from popular grocery chain Trader Joe's.

'The Morning Hustle' crew stays on the verge of what's going on in the rap world with the "Hip Hop Spot," and this week proved to be no different.

The Morning Hustle

 Dreezy is speaking out in defense of Jacquees after a video went viral of the aftermath of an altercation where she was assaulted in Mexico.