News & Gossip

Chris Brown’s stalker strikes again. Amira Ayeb has already been deemed certified Cray Cray. But apparently a court order means absolutely nothing to her. How’s this for totally insane? Amira broke into Breezy’s lavish California crib and got extra cozy in her husband’s home (in her mind, she and Chris are man and wife). In addition to […]

News & Gossip

Usher Raymond is getting a keep a way order against a woman who claims to be his beloved wife. In actuality she is not and never will be. But unfortunately her mind says otherwise. This woman has been stalking the “Let Me See” singer and had the nerve to show up at his house. She […]

News & Gossip

Last week record producer Zach Williams posted a scathing video about rapper Charli Baltimore. In the clip he accused the rapper of having sex for favors, a cocaine habit and herpes among other things. Baltimore responded on her Twitter page that she was never romantically involved with Miller and that nothing he said was true. […]