Ok so we ALL exercise to loose weight but what about the other rewards??? Check out these 12 Rewards, besides with weight loss, for exercising! 1. Exercising puts you in a BETTER Mood! Cranky, upset? EXERCISE! When you work out, your body makes endorphins — “feel-good” chemicals 2. Energy! Feel tired/sluggish, get moving! If you exercise […]

Women's Health

I know I love to look beautiful but don’t have time to always apply PERFECT make up! So check out these 10 time saving Beauty Tips and Tricks to still keep us FAB! Beauty Tip #1- Go for the Bronze Beauty Tip #2- Enter the Neutral Zone Beauty Tip #3- Lash Out! Beauty tip #4-Fake a […]

Trying to loose weight?!?! It just won’t go anywhere??? Check out these Weight Gain Shockers! *Lack of Sleep *Stress *Antidepressants *Steroids *Drugs that may cause weight Gain and more! Plus DETAILS on how to stop these Weight gain busters click here: http://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-weight-gain-shockers?ecd=wnl_day_082313&ctr=wnl-day-082313_ld-stry&mb= FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: 1011WIZF and FACEBOOK: 101.1 WIZ NATION FOLLOW ME, KristenK, on […]

Family Health

As parents sometimes we think our kids are too young to understand or we think just because their in the same room playing with toys that they are not listening.  As a parent think again! Talking around Kids: 6 things to AVOID! #1 Fraught topics- financial problems or a family crisis #2. Trash talk #3. Criticism of your kids […]

Trying to loose weight, let me help you out on what NOT to do… 1. Crash Diets-grapefruit or cabbage soup each day! Stop! you are training your metabolism to slow down. Once the diet is over, you have a body that burns calories more slowly — and you usually regain the weight. 2. Skipping Breakfast– the result […]